Upcoming Spry Winter Market COVID format changes at a glance...

Planning is well underway for the next Spry Winter Market. While it is still early, there is already a healthy list of brands that will be participating and posted to the web-site. This event will be a great opportunity to go through sample collections of Fall/Winter footwear, particularly winter boots in a safe, comfortable and relaxed environment early after the Holidays.  

In order to provide a COVID compliant environment, we will be making some changes to the typical Spry building layout to ensure a safe, distanced in-person event for your convenience.

5 simple but meaningful changes will make for a COVID-safe, more comfortable event.

1)      Lobby halls will see a minimum 50% reduction in exhibitors to open up the through-ways and provide ample space for social distancing. Overall limitation of the number of exhibitor staff.

2)      50% reduction in the number of tables in the Buyer’s Lounge. Spaced out seating to provide convenient, comfortable, safe places to work.

3)      Reluctantly; we will forgo the late-afternoon Happy-Hour social.

4)      Personal, Boxed lunches instead of over-the-counter handling of food.

5)      Appointment-based attendance coordination to better manage traffic and ensure no crowding.

Spry will look quite a bit different than usual but, in order to deliver the in-person event many have asked for, the format changes are necessary to ensure the health and safety of everyone participating.